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Trademark Licensing Program

The Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) Trademark Licensing Program is an innovative program that offers organizations and businesses an opportunity to use M-DCPS names, trademarks, and logos for school-related activities and commercial purposes. M-DCPS established a comprehensive, multi-tiered process that protects the Board while supporting organizations that are affiliated with District schools and commercial entities that wish to incorporate into merchandise the Board’s names, trademarks, and logos.

M-DCPS logos are officially copyrighted and trademarked to ensure the quality, integrity, and the appropriate use of District logos. The Board seeks to protect its reputation, interest, and the public at large by restricting the unauthorized use of names, trademarks, images, and logos that define and identify Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The Trademark Licensing Program establishes a process to ensure oversight protection of the quality of the use of the mark by school support organizations and commercial entities. Revenue generated through the Trademark Licensing Program will support special programs and activities at the elementary level, interscholastic athletics and activities at the secondary level, and other M-DCPS programs.

Booster Clubs/Parent-Teacher Associations

License Description:

This license is for parent organizations and booster clubs wishing to incorporate marks into merchandise. A School-Allied Organizations Fund-Raising Activity Application and Trademark License Agreement for Booster/PTA Clubs are required, at no charge, to be in accordance with administrative procedures.

Application Checklist:
  1. Read Trademark Licensing Administrative Procedures for Booster Clubs/PTA
  2. Complete and submit to the school the School-Allied Organization Funding-Raising Activity Applications: Fund-Raisers Conducted on School Grounds (FM-6570) or Fund-Raisers Conducted in the Community (FM-6571)
  3. Complete and submit to the school the Booster/PTA Clubs License Agreement (FM-7659)
  4. Upon request, display the signed License Agreement
  1. Agreement may renew for subsequent one-year periods upon written confirmation from the school


License Description:

This license is for members of the public seeking to use the Board’s names, trademarks, or logos for commercial purposes. The Licensing Agreement is non-exclusive.

Application Checklist:
  1. Read Trademark Licensing Administrative Procedures for Vendors
  2. Complete and submit License Application (FM-7656)
  3. Sign and submit Licensing Agreement (FM-7660)
  4. Pay fee via money order or check payable to The School Board of Miami-Dade County
  5. Obtain an official license, effective for one year from the date of the Licensing Agreement
  6. Display upon request the signed official license
  1. Complete and submit Revenue Report (FM-7657) one year from date of approved Licensing Agreement
  2. Submit Royalty Fee payment via money order or check to The School Board of Miami-Dade County
  3. Agreement may be extended for up to two (2) additional one (1) year terms upon written confirmation


License Description:

This license is for bidders who wish to use the Board’s names, trademarks, or logos on a nationwide scale. The District will issue a Request for Proposal for trademark management and logo protection services, which will be funded by sales generated through using the Board’s names, trademarks, and logos. For more information, please visit Procurement Management Services at

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